Our Loop!® Pouches are designed to make cleaning up easy (and keep the planet happy) - they're reusable, so you never have to waste another single-use plastic bottle again.
Make the environmental choice!
The Loop!® Pouches are made from #4 LDPE which is recyclable and can be recycled in special bins at supermarkets. Bye-bye landfill, hello fence posts (how cool is that?). Get cleaning with Zero Loop!® Pouches, because being green never looked this good!
And if you don't have Soft Plastic Recycling Bins available then send them back to us so we can ensure they are properly recycled and get made into the new stuff! Please don't put them in your rubbish bin or curbside recycling bins... they will probably end up in Landfill !
You can request a Loop!® Return Courier Bag & Ticket from the bottom of the "Cart" page or go straight to the Request Form. This link will open a new window so you can keep shopping, and once you are finished, go to that window and complete the form - easy peasy!
What's a Swappa? This is our glass bottles. You can buy these online, but please consider what you will do with it when it's empty - don't be fooled... not all centres in New Zealand do glass recycling! Hard to believe but sadly true. If you are buying online, please also consider the freight and carbon footprint cost of sending it out to you. Swappa's are really designed for our local customers who can physically bring them back and Swap them out. Find out how it works!
You can also purchase empty glass bottles or stainless steel bottles to fill and use.